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Frequently asked questions

Below you'll find answers to the questions that we get asked the most about the Sales Time platform.

Sales Time is a market place?

No, we are just mapping similar products from Global or Local manufacturers of electrical and automation components.

Can we see prices on your platform?

Sales Time platform is developed to boost sales teams to be more productive, all commercial details are not included in our platform.

Who is inserting cross references in the Sales Time database?

Our database is built independently by our team members or collaborators, who are having relevant experience in the industry. 

Who is responsible for accuracy of data inside the database?

Our team  has undertaken commercially reasonable efforts to identify what would be considered the best correlation/functionally equivalent products. Having said that, it is the user responsibility to verify that any cross-referenced proposed product is an appropriate replacement for another product in a particular application.

In the case of multiple alternatives proposed, how should the user proceed?

It is possible for one article from Manufacturer A to have multiple correlations from Manufacturer B or C, so is the User reasonability to choose the best fit, or they can get in contact with Support from Sales Time to clarify the best one.

Who is deciding what results are displayed on the Sales Time platform?

Each customer registered is choosing their preferred manufacturers from our database, we offer this solution as a multi-brand platform and we are committed to be like this in future.

What is a preferred manufacturer?

Our alternative search engine is designed to display only results from manufacturers that you want. For example we have some terminal blocks in our database that have 21 alternatives from 12 manufacturers, so displaying them all will confuse the user. 

How much does Sales Time cross reference cost?
Sales Time cost is 110€ per company per month, one preferred manufacturer. IF you want to see output of more manufacturers the price is multiplied with the number of them. Customers can qualify for discounts if they choose more than 10 manufactures or annual plans. Just get in contact with our sales and find out.
Can I activate my direct competitors as preferred manufacturers, to cross check the results?
Yes, as long as you pay for an additional preferred manufacturer. When we designed the platform we haven't considered that users will want this, but once we launched most of the users requested this to learn more about competitors products and prepare for customers discussions. 
Can I suggest other brands to be included in the database?

Yes, we offer these possibilities to each customer. To find out how to do it, please get in contact with our sales team.

How is Sales Time expanding the database?

We have a list of brands and products to be added, a list agreed with our customers. Additionally we increase our database on a weekly basis with failed searches made by our existing users. Basically with every search, each user is pushing us to grow the database with his needs.   

How many searches can I make per month?

You can make unlimited searches per month, as we are more than happy to be part of your growth plus to develop our database for your needs. Putting more competitors part numbers inside the platform, you ensure that we develop the database as per your customers needs.

Are other customers able to see my searches on the platform?

No, reports are sent only to the customers with activities of their users. Being said that, every user is contributing to the database development, so indirectly all users are contributors and are helping each other to find the relevant products on each market.

Is Sales Time sharing any search statistics with Manufacturers of these products?

No, we take privacy really seriously and we consider any customer our partner to develop this massive database of products.

When searching we need to split the list on each brand?

Being a multi-brand input/output platform we encourage any user to put inside the search field all part numbers requested by their customers. In this way we will reach fast to the core products of each customer and increase the success rate.

How to make a search on the platform?

Our alternative search engine was configured to work with part numbers to ensure the accuracy of the output. Having said this, we plan in future to also activate the search based on the product description.

Can I get a free trial?

Yes, you can get one month trial when you sign up here, for you and your team. 

Can I cancel any time?

Yes, you can cancel your monthly subscription at any time - there are no strings attached.

Is customer support available?

Yes, we want to work closely with all our customers, especially that we want make our service relevant for them and making them ready for future. We can be connected in real time WhatsApp/Slack or via email on or the account manager dedicated.

Do I need to download anything to use Sales Time?

No, Sales Time is a web application, so you need a browser and your user and password. You can access our platform on mobile, tablet or desktop devices. 

What if I have more questions?

Sales Time team is always happy to discuss with customers and prospects, as we are convinced that our platform is speeding up the onboarding of new customers or speeding up the repetitive tasks. All our team members have been sales engineers or inside sales of electrical products and we know the struggles and pains first hand.